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Where will I live during this one year of school?

The school takes place at Dunamis Farm, a farm of the Dunamis Movement in the countryside of São Paulo, in Pariquera-Açu. We live in community, with boys staying together in a dormitory and girls sharing houses. This provides a transcultural experience every day, allowing us to make new friendships.

What is Dunamis Farm?

Dunamis Farm is the farm of the Dunamis Movement, located in Pariquera-Açu, in the countryside of São Paulo. It is the place where Dunamis schools take place, such as Greenhouse, Fornalha Worship School, Pockets Immersion, and more. It is also the home of Dunamis University! A supernatural atmosphere, full of miracles and God’s presence. In addition, it features expansive green spaces filled with abundant nature, where we can admire God’s creation every day.

I’m 17 years old, can I apply?

Yes! The prerequisite to apply for the school is having completed high school. If you have finished high school before turning 18, you can apply. This is the perfect time for you to experience this and lay a foundation for the next steps in your life!

What is CORAM DEO?

Within the curriculum at DSM, we have Coram Deo: a time when you will be serving the community with zeal, excellence, and responsibility. Coram Deo is a Latin term that means “in the presence of God” or “face to face with God.” Through this, we have many testimonies of students encountering God while serving in different areas, therefore preparing them for what they will experience in the spheres.

We believe that as we serve, we are immersed in the Lord’s presence, and that everything we do is for His glory. The areas where we serve include: kitchen, gardening, maintenance of the common areas on the farm, operations, communication, and hospitality.

Is it necessary to speak Portuguese?

No. The school is bilingual, and everything is translated into both Portuguese and English. However, we encourage our students to learn other languages! We have students from all over the world at our school, and this will be a great opportunity for you to practice a new language, build connections with them, and later, with people from the nations.

Will I be mentored and discipled?

Yes! All students are mentored and discipled throughout the school, with a specific leader assigned to closely guide and disciple them, along with other leaders and staff available whenever needed. Each student has a weekly One-on-One session, which is a time to process what God has been doing during the school year, with trained individuals who are equipped to support students on a personal level.

What is the ultimate goal of training at the Dunamis School of Ministry?

Our goal is to equip leaders to exercise influence in their areas of work, with the primary foundation being the Word of God. We aim to bring transformation to society and establish God’s Kingdom in churches, in the spheres of society, and in the nations.